Normally ,however ,for an offer to be valid:
1) It must be firm in form.
An offer exists when the offeror makes a firm promise to be bound,provide that certain conditions are fulfilled.An offer will not be constituted by a mere statement of price or by an invitation to treat.(an attempt to induce an offer)
2) It must be definite in substance
The term of an offer must be certain,though sometimes an uncertainty may be cured by reference to the previous course of dealing between the parties,a special provision for resolving the uncertainty,a trade custom or a statute; meaningless term can be ignored and the contract will operate without them.
3) It must be communicated to the offeree
An offer may be made in any manner whatsoever (eg. orally,in writing or implication from conduct);furthermore, it may be made to a particular person.However, it has no validity until it is communicated to the offeree-thus it appears that anyone returning a lost or stolen article cannot claim a reward unless he knew that it had been offered.
4) it may be revoked at any time before acceptance.
Revocation is not effective until communicated to the offeree,the information may be given by words or conduct-and not necessarily by the offeror himself.
5) It remain open until accepted,rejected,revoked,or laps.
An offer lapses on the death of either party or after a stipulated period(or reasonable time,if no period is stipulated)
6) It may be constituted by a tender.
If it relates to a single transaction,a tender constitute a definite offer (which may be accepted to form a binding contract).However, if it is for the supply of goods or services as and when demand then become a standing offer.In the later case there is a separate acceptance (and contact0 each time an order is placed , and a standing offer can be revoked at any time (except in respect of service or goods actually ordered)unless there is a binding undertaking to keep it open for a stipulated period.
Relationship of the Parties:
You and ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com are independent
contractors, and nothing in this Agreement creates any partnership, joint
venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship
between you and’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com. You understand that you do not
have authority to make or accept any offers or make any representations on
behalf of’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com. You may not make
any statement, whether on your site or otherwise, that
would contradict anything in this section. You are solely responsible for the reporting
and payment of any taxes for money earned while using the program.
Limitation of Liability:
‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com will not be liable for lost profits, lost business opportunities, or any other indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or related to this Agreement or’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com program, even’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore,’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’.com aggregate liability arising under this Agreement will not exceed the amount of the total fees paid or payable to you under this Agreement. The provisions of this Section survive termination or expiration of the Agreement.